《复仇者联盟》的英文The Avengers,翻译成中文是复仇者,但是为了贴合影片中文名变成了《复仇者联盟》。Avenge是复仇的意思,Revenge是报仇的意思。前者其实更多的带有“锄强扶弱”、“路见不平”的意味,出发点是公义的,而后者更接近汉语通常语境的出于私仇的报仇复仇,更多的是为了自己。
:在漫画中,复仇者联盟首次出现于1963年上古漫画《Avengers Vol 1 #1》,黄蜂女即兴命名,蚁人拍板。
Ant-Man: Wait! Before we separate, the Wasp and I have something to say! Each of us has a different power! If we combined forces, we could be almost unbeatable!
Iron Man: Work as a team? Why not? I'm for it! Thor There is much good we might do!
Hulk: I'm sick of bein' hunted and hounded! I'd rather be with you than against you! So, whether you like it or not, I'm joining the... the... Hey! What are you callin' yourselves
Wasp: That's right! We need a name! It should be something colorful and dramatic, like... the Avengers, or... ?
Ant-Man: "Or" nothing! That's it! The Avengers!! ?
Iron Man: We'll fight together, or separately, if need be! ?
Hulk: I pity the guy who tries to beat us! ?
Thor: We'll never be beaten! For we are... the Avengers!
纪录片《 漫威影业:宇宙集结》中Loki的解释: