
1、Single parent families, bus fare hikes and civil partnerships are among the markers of Britain's changing society. The government's Social Trends Report 2007 is the latest snapshot of life in the UK - and has revealed some surprising findings.


2、The report found nearly a quarter of all British children now live in single parent families. The finding is also marked by race - in black Caribbean families 48% of children live with one parent compared to 10% of children raised in Indian families.


3、As the number of single parent families increases, so does the number of households. In spring 2006 there were 24.2 million households in Great Britain, an increase of 30% since 1971. Over the same period, the population of Great Britain increased by only 8%.


4、More households mean more waste - but at least Britons are getting better at recycling. There was a threefold increase in the volume of household waste collected for recycling or composting in England between 1996/97 and 2004/05.


5、With more people living alone, the demand for smaller properties is higher than ever. The proportion of newly-built homes with two bedrooms rose from 25% to 42% in England between 2001/02 and 2005/06, replacing homes with 4 or more bedrooms as the most common type of new build.


6、Children from poorer households are shown to be suffering from an increased risk of mental illness. Eighteen per cent of boys and 13% of girls aged 5 to 16 in Great Britain, living in households with a gross weekly income of under £100, have a mental disorder.


7、Ethnic background continues to be a factor influencing the affluence of a family. Some 86% of children in Pakistani/Bangladeshi households in the UK were in the bottom 40% of households ranked by disposable income compared with 49% of all children.


8、Britain's kids are safer on the roads, the report found. The UK road accident death rate for children aged 14 or under, at 1.3 per 100,000 population, was one of the lowest in Europe. Luxembourg had the lowest recorded rate, at less than 0.1 per 100,000 population, while Poland had the highest at 3.6 per 100,000 population.


9、Our kids are also more connected than ever. Around 50% of eight to 11-year-olds have their own mobile phones, the report says.


10、There were 15,700 same-* civil partnerships formed in the UK between December 2005 and September 2006. Of these, 93% were in England and Wales, 6% were in Scotland and 1% were in Northern Ireland.


11、An astonishing price hike of 168% hit bus and coach fares between 1997 and 2006 in the UK.


12、The Social Trends Report also found that Britain has never been a more attractive holiday destination. Thirty million overseas residents visited the UK in twelve months - a new high. The last peak was in 1998 with 25.7 million visitors.


13、Prices may be rising, but savvy shoppers are finding bargains on the net. Between January and April 2006, 42% of adults aged 16 and over in Great Britain purchased something online in the 12 months before interview.


14、In poorer families, however, there is little disposable income to bid away on eBay. UK households in the bottom fifth of the income distribution are spending 19% of their income on basic essentials of housing, fuel and power, compared with 7% spent by households with an income in the top fifth.


15、Britons are living longer than ever - but we're spending more time ill.The expected number of years spent in poor health in Great Britain rose from 6.4 to 8.8 for men between 1981 and 2002, and from 10.1 to 10.6 for women.



