
Brief Introduction



-- 是关于300箱干蘑菇的质量问题。两周前到的货,我们当即进行了 检查。令我们惊奇的是,大约20%的干蘑菇已发霉,甚至在许多箱 内有褐色小甲虫爬出爬进,有一半蘑菇已被吃掉。这样的货物我们 是不能接受的。它们不宜被人们食用。医药卫生官员对这些货物发 出了“停售通知”。

-- 有这么一回事?我们还从未收到过这样的抱怨呢。多年来,我们 的蘑菇因质量好而享有盛誉。这真叫我们难于理解,给你们的那批 货怎么发霉了,甚至被虫咬了。你有什么证据吗?

-- 当然有。这是伦敦一家有名的实验室的检验报告,他们的证词绝对 可靠。

B: Though everything may be as you say

there are many factors involved. What’s more

your surveyors have not mentioned any cause for the damage.

W: The mushrooms were packed in *** all one pound plastic bags

sixty of these bags to a carton. It is stated on the surveyor?s report that external conditions of goods at the time of survey are all sound and intact. So it is obvious the cause of the damage is that the mushrooms were not pletely dried before packing.

B: As you know

before shipment

the Commodity Inspection

Bureau inspected the goods in question. They concluded that the goods were well dehydrated from fresh and choice material and up to standard for export.

W: I think the Inspection Bureau at your end

when effecting inspection

only selected a few package at random -- these hap- pened to be up to the standard. The part that was not dried properly

most probably

escaped their attention. As the amount in question is only 20% of the whole shipment

I think it is only reasonable that you should pensate us for the loss.

-- 虽然事情可能象你所说的那样,但它牵涉到很多因素。况且,你方 检验员并没有提及造成损坏的任何原因。

-- 蘑菇每磅装一小塑料袋,每60袋装进一只木箱。检验员的报告中

说,检验时货物的外包装都是完好无缺的。所以很明显,造成损坏 的原因是蘑菇在包装前没有彻底干透。

-- 如你所知,这批货在装船前由商品检验局检验过。他们的结论 是,此货已很好地除去了水分,品质上等,达到出口的标准。

-- 我想你方商检局进行检验时,只随意地挑了几包,而这几包又 恰巧达到了标准。而没达到干燥程度的那部份可能就没被他们注 意到。由于波及到的数量只是整批货的20%,我想你方应该赔偿


B: The inspection certificate

which is based on a random selection of 20% of the consignment as we’ve agreed on beforehand

is considered final and binding upon both parties. We do not accept any claims for pensation for loss incurred in transit

because you bought the goods F.O.B. Houston and on shipping quality

not on landed quality. Your claim

in our opinion

should be re- ferred to the insurance pany

as the mishap occurred after shipment.

W: We’ve already got in touch with the underwriter. But they have refused to accept any liability. They attributed the accident to the effects of dampness during the long sea voyage.

B: That’s a matter over which we could exercise no control

then. I’m afraid I have to insist that you approach the insurance pany for settlement

that is

if you have covered this risk in your coverage.

W: To my regret

we failed to cover contamination. This is an unfortu- nate oversight on our part and a lesson to us.

B: Otherwise the insurance pany would no doubt have enter- tained your case.

W: Well

live and learn. It seems we’ll have to waive the claim.

-- 我们事前已有协议,任意抽取整批货的20%进行检验,其检验证明 最终对双方都具有约束力。因为你买的这批货是休斯顿港船上交货 价,以装船质量而不是以到岸质量为准,任何运输途中产生的损失 要求赔偿,我们都不予接受。我们认为,你们应该要求保险公司索 赔,因为损失发生在装船后。

-- 我们已联系过保险商,但他们拒绝承担任何责任。他们将此事故归 咎于长途海运中受潮的结果。

-- 那种事我们可控制不了。我们恐怕还得坚持这一点,就是你们联系 保险公司要求解决,如果你们投保了这个险的话。

-- 遗憾的是,我们没有投保“污染险”。不幸这是我方的疏忽,也是 一个教训。

-- 不然的话,保险公司毫无疑问将会接受索赔的。

-- 是的,活到老,学到老。看来,我们只好放弃索赔了。

Words and Expressions

in the amount of 金额为

mishap [5mis7hAp] 不幸事故;灾难

consequence [ 5kCnsikwEns] 结果,后果

improper [im5prCpE] 不合适的

crawl [ krC:l ] 爬,蠕动

unmerchantable[ Qn5mE:tFEntEbl ] 不适于出售的

precaution [pri5kC:FEn] 预防,警惕,谨慎

impartial [im5pB:FEl] 公正的

mouldy [5mEuldi] 发霉的,陈腐的

wormeaten [5wE:m7i:tn] 虫蛀的

testimony [5testimEni ] 证言,证词

attribute [E5tribju(:)t] 归因于

oversight [5EuvEsait] 疏忽,出错

waive [weiv] 放弃,撤回

singular [5siN^julE ] 独一无二的,独个的

reveal [ ri5vi:l ] 揭示

dehydrate [di:5haidreit] 脱水,干燥

unsurpassed [5QnsE5pB:st] 无比的, 卓越的

mushroom [5mQFrum] 蘑菇

bug [bQ^] 虫子

human consumption 可供食用

choice material 上等品,选品

pensation [kCmpen5seiFEn] 赔偿金

incur [in5kE:] 遭受,带来

liability [7laiE5biliti] 责任,义务

voyage [5vCIIdV] 航程,航行

contamination [kEn7tAmi5neiFEn] 污染,弄脏


1. the goods in question 刚才谈到的商品

2. final and binding upon both parties


3. Your claim should be referred to the insurance pany.


4. underwriters

保险商(在英国早期开办保险业务时,由好多承保商号联合承保, 他们一起在保险单下面签字,因而得此名称。)

5. sound and intact 完整无缺的

6. select at random 任意挑选

7. arrive in ……condition 到达时的情况

8. prior to 在前,居前 (to 是介词)

It is important that you time the shipment to arrive here prior to the expiration of the import license.


A Specimen Letter

Dear Sirs:

As a result of faxes exchanged beeen us

we are pleased to inform you that we have reached an arrangement regarding your claim on shipment per the S.S. Peace for late delivery.

We have advised you this morning by fax of our appreciation that this matter has now been settled. Enclosed please find our check in the amount of U.S.$56

000 in final and plete settlement of this claim.

It is our hope to express again our satisfaction that this mishap has been amicably settled and look forward to promoting our business relationship with your corporation.




Substitution Drills

1 A: Five cases

were found broken and the units inside seriously damaged.

arrived in a badly damaged condition.

out of the whole lot were found soiled.


B: Really! That’s something unexpected.





2 A: The goods were in perfect condition when they left here.

B: According to our survey report

the damage was caused by poor packaging.

the goods were carelessly packed.




3 A: According to our survey report

poor packaging caused the damage.

the quality deterioration ocurred in transit.

the breakage took place during transit.

B: That could have happened in transit due to rough handling.

high humidity and temperature.

improper stowage.

据我们的调查报告显示, 是包装不当导致了破损。



由于 搬运粗糙 很可能在运输途中发生了这样的问题。



4 A: Please look into the matter and have the case settled immediately.

Please see your way to make a prompt settlement of the case.

Please do your best to bring the case to a satisfactory close.

B: We’ll check it up with the parties concerned right away.

get in touch with the shipping pany and see what can be done.

take the matter up with the underwriters and give you the result as soon as possible.







5 A: Our exports have to pass a rigid inspection before they are shipped. Our Inspection Bureau won’t let go anything defective.

B: As much as I respect your Inspection Bureau

it’s obvious that the fruits are no longer suitable for consumption.

one has to admit that the goods are quite useless now.

it’s clear the goods are unfit for our purpose.

我们的出口商品必须在装运前经过一道严格的检查。我们的检查局 不会放过任何瑕疵品。




但是必须承认这些商品现在已经没有 用了。



6 A: Our surveyors stated that it was the inferior material used that caused the quality deterioration.

improper packing that caused the damage. carelessness on the part of the manufacturers that caused the shortage.

B: In a case like this

one cannot rule out other possibilities.

我们的检查员申明 是所用的劣质材料导致了变质。




7 A:We have no alternative but to lodge a claim with you. to file against you a claim for $5


to make a claim with you for a pensation of $3

000. B:We’ll certainly consider a claim

if there’s sufficient evidence. We’ll entertain a claim if it is supported by adequate documents. We would accept a claim if we were at fault.







8 A: What are you going to do about this?

B: We’ll send you correct products to replace the wrong ones.

new products to replace the damaged ones.

quality products to replace the imperfect ones.



