


1、shrub of West Indies and South America that is a source of?indigo?dye.南美或西印度群岛的一种灌木,靛蓝染料的原料。

2、Our natural?indigo?products: pure cotton sock china print cotton cloth linen cloth silk jean etc.天然靛青染色的产品有:纯棉袜子,含棉针织布料,亚麻布,丝绸,牛仔布等。

3、Blue, is mainly used to extract from the blue grass of?indigo?dye.青色,主要是用从蓝草中提取靛蓝染成的。

4、Another offers the more mundane explanation that?indigo?deters mosquitoes.另外一种更平常的解释是,青紫色可以阻吓蚊子。

5、Indigo?supports two major approaches to the service invocation.Indigo支持2种主要的服务调用方式。

6、shrub of West Indies and South America that is a source of?indigo?dye南美或西印度群岛的一种灌木,靛蓝染料的原料。

7、In 1871 he wrote his first operetta?Indigo?und die vierzig Rauber.1871年,他写下他的第一部轻歌剧《英迪果和40个强盗》。

8、Have you ever heard the proverb "Blue is extracted from the?indigo?plant, but is bluer than it"?你听过“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”这句谚语吗?