《Barking at the Moon》的中文版
《Barking an the moon》--对月长歌,电影《闪电狗》插曲,中文翻唱据说叫一个胡维娜的女生。可惜现在网上还搜不到。第一次在电影院中听到这首歌觉得好舒服,就像冬日的阳光一样让人温暖。总有美好的信念会飘洒在我们耕耘的土地上,种下希望也好或者什么也不做只是浅浅笑,也许阴霾就此消散,也许就能有继续低下头劳作的动力。人是奇妙的生物,生命有时就像坚韧的老橡树,能经历最严酷的风雨,当一切苦难与不幸消散殆尽,阳光透过树杈枝叶投射到地上形成了斑驳的影像,静静的只听见温柔的风声。
Barking at the Moon
--by Jenny Lewis
I have got so much to give
I swear I do
I may not have nine lives
But this one feels brand new
Yes, I've lived a good one
I've tried to be true
There are some things I never realised
Till I met you
How the wind feels on my cheeks
When I'm barking at the moon
There is no home like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
Woo, hoo, here I come
Woo, hoo, back to you
There is no home like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
Well, I was in trouble bad
I was so confused
I may not see in color, babe
But I sure can feel blue
I have been a lot of things
They may not all be true
My experience was so mysterious
Till I met you
Now the sun will rise in the east
But I'm barking at the moon
There is no home like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
Woo, hoo, here I come
Woo, hoo, back to you
There is no home like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you
There is no home like the one you've got
'Cause that home belongs to you