
"The Incredibles" is a 2004 American computer-animated superhero film directed by Brad Bird. The film stars the voices of Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell, and Spencer Fox. The film was produced by Pixar and released by Walt Disney Pictures.

The film tells the story of the Parr family, who are all superheroes and must overcome their past分离 while contending with a new enemy who has a Invention that can give criminal brains last - leaving them powerless - make an end to all superpowers. The film's title is a reference to Bob Parr's superhero alter ego, who is one of the few "Increibles" (a play on the word "incredible") - a term used to describe the fact that his powers are not as "outlandish" as those of many superheroes.

"The Incredibles" received positive reviews from critics, who praised its animation, voice acting, screenplay, action sequences, and score. The film was a box office success, grossing over $633 million worldwide, making it the fourth-highest-grossing film of 2004. A sequel, "The Incredibles 2," was released in 2018.