
a shoal of fish。一群鱼


图中一条鲨鱼的身后追随着一群鱼。This is a picture of a shark and a school of fish following behind.

一群鱼群集靠近一个暗礁在法属波利尼西亚的土木土群岛。A school of fish clusters near a reef in French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago.

一群鱼随浪升起, 在月光下闪耀着银辉,好似一个新的星座.A school of minnows rises up, flashing silver in the moonlight like a new constellation.

从前,有一群鱼因为潮汐的原因搁浅到岸上,有一个孩子看到后,忙把搁浅的鱼一条条抛回大海。Once upon a time, a group of fishes are aground at low water. A child hurried to cast them into the sea one by one after he saw them.