谢谢了 谁能进来帮忙翻译一下啊 挺少的
the movie "war of the world" was adopted from the English writer H.G.Wells' sicentific fiction which was published in 1898. the writer described the situation of the invasion of the saucermen. the main characters of this story are the saucermen from Mars, who attacted the earth with their strong scientific technology. without generative organs, these saucermen produced their offspring by disintegrating themselves. they didn't eat, and they don't digest neither. they make the captives live on by input new blood vessels. at the point of their conquering the whole earth, they died out one by one, because they didn't have any resistibility to the diseases of humen beings.
in 1898, H. G. Wells published the fiction "The War of the Worlds", telling the story of the invasion of the saucermen. the saucermen from Mars had developed sientific power, thus the militery power and weapon equipment were all useless to them. when the failure of the human beings was coming, the saucermen from Mars died out from the viral infection accidently, because they didn't have any resistibility to the diseases of humen beings.