


1、According to superstition,breaking a mirror brings bad luck.按照迷信的说法,摔碎镜子会带来噩运。

2、The face is the mirror of the soul.脸是反映灵魂的镜子。

3、He surveyed himself in the mirror before going out.出门前他对着镜子把自己审视了一番。

4、The music of the time mirrored the feeling of optimism in the country.这个时期的音乐反映出这个国家的乐观精神。

5、The mirror is functional yet decorative.这镜子能照人,但也有装饰作用。

6、They observed the prisoners through a one-way mirror.他们透过单向镜子监视犯人。

7、Will you stop preening yourself in front of the mirror?你别对着镜子打扮个没完行不行?

8、He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.他看了一眼镜子中的自己。

9、She saw herself mirrored in the window.她看到自己在窗玻璃上照出的影像。

10、He admired his reflection in the mirror.他欣赏着自己在镜中的影像。