
这些动词表示剥夺某人的骄傲,自尊,头衔或荣誉的行为。Disgrace指贬低某人在其它人心目中的评价:a scandal that disgraced the entire community. Degrade指沉湎于令人厌恶或不道德的习惯或行为中,以至让它毁掉了一个人的个性或公开地贬低了他或她的形象:a fine mind degraded and dulled by drug use; accusations intended to degrade him and destroy his reputation. Humiliate可以表示任何有损某人自尊的内在的感觉或外在的行为:a husband who enjoyed humuliating his wife in public; She felt thoroughly humiliated by her lack of insight.

Debase表示某种减损某事物内在价值的行为:currency debased by inflationary measures; political discussion debased by an atmosphere of hysteria. 正如所见的,debase会比degrade更加有事实根据,更加描述性的,而后者则表示更加彻底,但是更加主观或包含更多道德因素的情况。

剩作的动词全都具体表示一个人对自已所做的事。Abase表示奉承式的卑躬屈膝或仅仅是礼仪性地表示尊重:abasing himself before the hardened criminals with whom he was confined; The vassal abased himself before the throne of his liege at the beginning of every audience. Demean表示指任何通过无意义的动机或行为贬低自已:demeaning himself in his eagerness to meet the famous author. 这个动词可以指针对其它某个人的敌对行为:attempting to demean the witness by asking extraneous questions about her personal life. Humble可以指一场令人敬畏的经历:feeling small and humble as he stood gazing up at the Sistine murals. 当不用反身代词作宾语时,humble可以成为humiliate的替代,但更温和:trying to humble her husband by making him account for every penny he spent.