
Julius Caesarsaid, “It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find thosewho are willing to endure pain with patience.”


To succeed youmust have a vast amount of enduring patience.


What is patience?According to Barbara Johnson, it’s the ability to idle your motor when you feellike stripping your gears. Guy Kawasaki said it’s the art of concealing yourimpatience, while Titus Plautus concludes that it’s the best remedy for everytrouble.

那么,什么是耐心呢?根据巴巴拉约翰逊的说法,这是一种类似像在拆掉了拍档之后,让自己的马达空转。Guy Kawasaki(美国硅谷的Garage(车库)技术风险投资公司创始人、董事局主席)说,这是一种艺术,隐藏你的冲动。而普劳特斯(拉丁喜剧作家)总结说,这是所有问题的良药。

I submit to youthat patience is the missing link to your success…


So when things gowrong remember that the grass will grow again, yes it will take time, but inthe words of Jean Jacques Rousseau, “Patience is bitter, but its fruit issweet,” so don’t overreact, don’t over steer, be patient, let things settle,less you find your delay considerably longer than it would otherwise be.


The scriptureteaches us that in your patience you possess your soul, which is perhaps whyFrancis Bacon noted that whoever is out of patience is out of possession oftheir soul.


Elbert Hubbardsaid, “How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little moreeffort, a little more patience would have achieved success.”


It’s true.


You were almostthere, you had just about figured it out, and then your impatience got thebetter of you, which is perhaps why Solomon wrote, he that controls his angeris greater than the mighty.


Christina Miliansaid, “My advice to someone who would follow in my footsteps is to havepatience. I’ve been doing this for twelve years.”


Saint Francis deSales wisely noted, “Have patience with all things. But, first with yourself.”And Saadi said, “Have patience. All things are difficult before they becomeeasy.”

Saint Francis de Sales(圣方济沙雷)曾记录下“耐心对待所有的事,而首先就是要对自己有耐心。”还有萨阿迪说过“有一些耐心,所有的事情在变简单之前都是很复杂的。”

You’ve been tryingto succeed without patience! You failed to apprehend three of the most criticalsteps to success. They are: First to have patience, second to be patient, andthird to endure patiently.


No one succeedswithout patience.


Ralph Waldo Emersonsaid, “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.


Have you been overreacting? Have you been impatient?


It didn’t take youa week to get into your situation; it won’t take you a week to get out of it.


Anxiety causes thewaters of life to rage; dooming your success, but patience stills the watersand allows you to navigate safely to your intended destination.


Don’t be like TomHolt, Tom said, “Everything is out there if you know how to find it, and youhave the patience. I don’t and haven’t, but that’s my problem.” Don’t just knowthat you need patience, have patience.


I like to say,there’s nothing you can’t achieve if you have the three “P’s”: Purpose,Passion, and Patience. You have to have patience.


George Savilewisely observed that, “A man who is a master of patience is a master ofeverything else.”


Thomas Kempissaid, “All men commend patience, although few are willing to practice it.” Areyou practicing patience?


Benjamin Franklinsaid, “He that can have patience can have what he will.” Arnold Glasow noted“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg,not by smashing it.”

本杰明富兰克林曾说过“能够拥有耐心的人能够拥有他想要的一切。”Arnold Glasow曾写下“所有事情的关键都是耐心。你可以通过孵化鸡蛋来得到一只鸡,而不是砸碎它。”

Francis Quarlessaid, “Abused patience turns to fury.” But I think he had it wrong. Truepatience isn’t putting up with, true patience is faith and works in action,which is maybe why Michelangelo said that “Genius is eternal patience.”

Francis Quarles曾说过“滥用耐心只会让事情更糟糕。”但我觉得他说错了。耐心并不是简单的忍受,真正的耐心是一种信念和切实的行动,这也许就是为什么米开朗基罗说“天才就是永恒的耐心”。

But I believe thatEdmund Burke said it best, he simply said, “Our patience will achieve more thanour force.”


Be patient, beconsistent, and in time you will have your desires. In the profound words ofWilliam Penn, “Patience and diligence, like faith, will remove mountains.
