安装Crystal report时出现错误信息:"Error 1920. Service 'Crystal Reports Cache Server' (BOBJCRystalReportsCacheServer) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."
解决方法(很简单 就不做翻译):
Windows 2003 SP1 and Windows XP SP2 introduce a new technology called Data Execution Prevention (DEP). The installation fails because DEP detects and prevents each service from installing or starting.
To successfully install BusinessObjects Enterprise XI or Crystal Reports Server XI, complete one of the following steps:
NOTE: The first option is the recommended method of resolving the installation failure.
方法1:Disable DEP for all services and programs other than those needed by Windows as follows:
1. Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced.
2. Click the 'Settings' button in the 'Performance' area and then click the 'Data Execution Prevention' tab.
3. Click 'Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only'.
4. Click 'OK'.
5. Restart your computer for changes to take effect.
6. Install BusinessObjects Enterprise XI or Crystal Reports Server XI.
- OR -
方法2: Disable DEP for all Windows services, processes, and applications as follows:
1. Open the Boot.ini file in the Windows root directory.
2. Search for "/noexecute=" and change it to "/noexecute=AlwaysOff".
3. Restart your computer for changes to take effect.
4. Install BusinessObjects Enterprise XI or Crystal Reports Server XI.