有谁知道侏罗纪战争(英文名 Primitive Wars )的秘籍!怎么用法!不知道的别来参合了!


skip the scenario. - skip scenario

where am i ? - show all map

go stage #1 - go to the level 1

go stage #2 - go to the level 2

go stage #3 - go to the level 3

go stage #4 - go to the level 4

go stage #5 - go to the level 5

go stage #6 - go to the level 6

go stage #7 - go to the level 7

go stage #8 - go to the level 8

go stage #9 - go to the level 9

go stage #10 - go to the level 10

go stage #11 - go to the level 11

go stage #12 - go to the level 12

show ending story. - show ending

eat berry berry. - +10000 berry's

i got a power. - upgrade to the 10 level


