
一见钟情的英文fall in love at first sight。



1、But it was an immediate attraction and it was just a life-changing experience tohave met him.那真是一见钟情,而且遇见他改写了我一生的命运。

2、I met him in a party and I've taken a fancy to him by the first sight.我在聚会上见到他第一面就对他一见钟情了

3、Do not believe what love at first sight, because you can not see at a glance howmuch money the other side.不要相信什么一见钟情,,因为你不能一眼看出对方挣多少钱。

4、your mom has always been a free spirit, that's one of the reasons i fell for her inthe first place.你妈妈也常常喜欢自由自在,这是我对她一见钟情的原因之一。

5、He fell in love with her at once. He followed behind her at a distance, putting hisfeet in the very places where she had stepped.他一见钟情,于是就远远地踏着她的足迹一步一步地跟随在她身后。