鲸鱼英语作文
11月底,在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州的国王岛,大批巨头鲸和瓶鼻鲸搁浅海滩。尽管救援人员帮助不少困在海滩上的鲸鱼重返大海,还是有80多头鲸鱼在烈日下无奈死去。新华社报道如下:Up
to
pilot
whales
and
bottle
nose
dolphins
died
after
a
mass
stranding
on
King
Island
off
Tasmania,
Australia.
The
number
of
dead
mammals
is
lower
than
that
in
earlier
reports
which
said
at
least
died
after
they
were
first
noticed
stranded
Sunday
afternoon.
Rescuers
on
King
Island
have
successfully
herded
a
large
pod
of
whales
and
dolphins
out
to
sea,
Australian
Broadcasting
Corporation
radio
reported
Monday.
Strand有“沙滩、海滨”的含义,作动词表示“(使)搁浅、陷入困境”,例如:The
convoy
was
stranded
in
the
desert.(使团在沙漠中陷入了困境。)I
was
stranded
in
the
strange
town
without
money
or
friends.(我被搁浅在这个陌生的城市,没有钱也没有朋友。)
鲸类尤其是巨头鲸集体搁浅的现象并不少见,甚至还有同一鲸群在几天内连续搁浅的情况,但其原因却始终令人费解。据科学家推测,由于鲸鱼为群体性很强的海洋动物,且活动范围靠近海岸,因此有两种可能:一是领头的鲸生病,冲向了海滩,其它的鲸也习惯性地跟随头鲸向前冲;二是鲸群在追逐猎物误入浅滩。当一条或几条鲸鱼搁浅时,其他鲸鱼就会步其后尘或者试图前往营救,结果造成大批鲸鱼同时搁浅在同一片海滩。