急求一篇英语文章 关于 美国与冷战 600字左右!!

The Cold War and the United States

The Cold War generally means the great diversion between the Western factions (led by the United States) and the Eastern factions (led by the Soviet Union). It started ever since the World War 2 is over and Trumen into the White House. The United States tried to suppress the growth of the Soviet Union by any causes. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States were in terror because of the Soviet Union deploying nuclear warheads in the Cuban Islands. The United States responded by deploying a large amount of Task Forces around Cuba and threatening its nuclear warfare. The United States also paradropped supplies to the people in Eastern Germany. The United States during the Cold War also developed a lot in their spaceflights technology to respond the Soviet Union's first man in space, the Americans landed two astronauts on the moon during the Cold War.

After 1991, the Soviet Union dissolved, thus ending the Cold War. The United States' light industries grew much more than the Soviet Union during the Cold War, but the Soviet Union mainly developed its heavy industries. Although the Cold War is very long, but I think that neither factions gained any profits during it, the Cold War is just a simply competition of two large political factions.
