姆诺兹多 Murozond 准备 The End Time, I once called this place. I had not seen, by then; I did not know. You hope to... what? Stop me, here? Change the fate I worked so tirelessly to weave? “时光之末”,我曾经这么称呼这个地方,我看不到从此以后的时间。什么?你想要……阻止我?改变我花费了无尽时间编织的命运? You crawl unwitting, like a blind, writhing worm, towards endless madness and despair. I have witnessed the true End Time. This? This is a blessing you simply cannot comprehend. 你在地上无知地爬行,像一只瞎眼的爬虫,向着无尽的疯狂与绝望蠕动。我见证了真正的时光之末。这儿?这儿只是你无法理解的祝福。 开战 Murozond yells: So be it. 姆诺兹多大喊:那就这样吧。 Nozdormu yells: Mortals! I cannot follow you any further - accept my blessing and use the Hourglass of Time to defeat Murozond! 诺兹多姆大喊:凡人们!我不能再跟你们前进了——接受我的祝福,使用时光沙漏击败姆诺兹多吧! 使用时间沙漏 The powers of the Hourglass do nothing to me! 沙漏的力量对我毫无用处! To repeat the same action and expect different results is madness. 只有疯子才相信重复的行为能带来不同的结果。 Another chance will make no difference. You will fail. 再来一次也不会有任何改变。你必将失败。 Again...? Is this your plot, your scheme? 再次失败……?这就是你的诡计,你的阴谋? 时间沙漏使用五次 The Hourglass' power is exhausted. No more games, mortals. Relent, or perish. 沙漏的力量耗尽了,游戏结束了,凡人。屈服,或者消亡。 击杀玩家 The sand has run out. 沙子流完了。 Time ends. 时光的尽头。 Your time has come. 你的死期到了。 失败 Murozond yells: You know not what you have done. Aman'Thul... What I... have... seen... 姆诺兹多大喊:你根本不明白你究竟干了什么。阿曼苏尔……我……看到……的…… Nozdormu says: At last it has come to pass. The moment of my demise. The loop is closed. My future self will cause no more harm. 诺滋多姆说:最终的时刻到来了。我将在这一刻消亡。轮回结束了。未来的我再也不能作恶了。 Nozdormu says: Still, in time, I will... fall to madness. And you, heroes... will vanquish me. The cycle will repeat. So it goes. 诺滋多姆说:在未来,我仍将……堕入疯狂。而你们,英雄们,注定将消灭我。循环仍将继续,如此往复。 Nozdormu says: What matters is that Azeroth did not fall; that humanity survived to live another day. 诺滋多姆说:重要的是艾泽拉斯并没有毁灭;我们仍将为生存而战。 Nozdormu says: All that matters... is this moment. 诺滋多姆说:最重要的是……此时此刻。