2PM - Shining in the Night Mastered
旁白:Ha Ha Ha
It’s 2pm in the house You are not ready for thiskhun:Grab all your girls?
We about to run this whole city, watch!!泽演:随兴来个move move 节奏跳动groove groove?
khun:重低音boom boom? 心跳超速度
聚光灯闪耀视线被抓住 看我把世界征服灿盛:我要把这个夜解放? everybody have fun
闪耀狂欢? cuz 2pm is in the club tonight佑荣: 舞池就是战场 快乐就是奖赏?
俊昊:We’re the man of the night, the king of the night?
玩个天翻地覆就趁现在 (现在)Jun.K:I’m the man of the night, the king of the night
合唱:Cuz I’m the man of tonight, I’m the king of tonight?
I’m the man of tonight wooo ooo俊昊:让我们主宰tonight 炫舞全开tonight?
尽情闪耀tonight wooo oookhun:We taking over?
旁白:Starting right now
Hey泽演:别排队女孩 快点来女孩?
眼神已泄漏 你心里明白谁是高手
khun:把自己放得更开? 情绪闪耀更high
Hands up in the air 什么都无所谓 Here we go灿盛:我要把这个夜解放everybody have fun?
闪耀狂欢cuz 2pm is in the club tonight佑荣:舞池就是战场 快乐就是奖赏?
闪耀不停止直到神经都发烫jun.K:We’re the man of the night, the king of the night ?
玩个天翻地覆就趁现在(现在)俊昊:I’m the man of the night, the king of the night?
要让整座城市超载合唱:Cuz I’m the man of tonight, I’m the king of tonight
I’m the man of tonight wooo oooJun.K:让我们主宰tonight 炫舞全开tonight?
尽情闪耀tonight wooo ooo
佑荣:要更high 趁现在 站上来 这舞台
Jun.K:一起闹 do it now 让我们整夜陷入疯狂go go go go
俊昊:We’re the man of the night, the king of the night?
玩个天翻地覆就趁现在Jun.K:I’m the man of the night, the king of the night?
合唱:Cuz I’m the man of tonight, I’m the king of tonight?
I’m the man of tonight wooo ooo俊昊:让我们主宰tonight 炫舞全开tonight?
尽情闪耀tonight wooo ooo合唱:Cuz I’m the man of tonight, I’m the king of tonight?
I’m the man of tonight wooo oooJun.K:让我们主宰tonight 炫舞全开tonight
尽情闪耀tonight wooo ooo亲是求歌和歌词么?